4 Planes for Joinery
Get perfect dadoes, grooves, rabbets, and tenons in no time
Synopsis: Specialty planes make it easier to build furniture by hand. By adding a shoulder plane, a router plane, a rabbet plane, and a plow plane to his collection, Vic Tesolin can knock out just about any traditional furniture joint quickly and accurately. The shoulder plane is used to fine-tune tenons, trimming both shoulders and cheeks for a perfect fit. A router plane trims the bottom of a recess flat and excels at cutting hinge mortises, cleaning up dadoes, and trimming tenon cheeks. The rabbet plane makes rabbets a breeze, and the plow plane cuts perfect grooves for a drawer or a frame-and-panel door.
At just 170 sq. ft., my shop is—without question—small. When I first moved into it, I was forced to think carefully about which machines were essential and which I could do without. In the end, only my bandsaw, drill press, and thickness planer survived the cut.…
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