Add a Bead to a Curved Apron
Mike Korsak demonstrates his technique using a two-part bending form and shopmade bead stock from six layers of rosewood veneer
Synopsis: Faced with the challenge of creating a bead for the bottom of a chest apron with undulating curves, Mike Korsak decided to make the bead as a bent lamination. This ensured a precise fit and the ability to match any series of bumps and curves. So he built a two-part bending form and made the bead stock from six layers of rosewood veneer.
For a recent chest of drawers, I designed aprons whose bottom edge ripples in a series of asymmetrical, flowing curves. To accentuate the curves, I decided to apply thin beads of contrasting wood to the bottom edge of the aprons. The challenge was how to make beads that would conform to the sinuous profile.
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