Benchmarks: Jennifer Anderson — A magazine, a mentor, a career
It was the summer of 1997, and I was living in San Francisco, Calif. I had recently completed my undergraduate degree in Environmental Design at UC Davis, where I was introduced to woodworking and furniture design. I was perusing interior design and architecture magazines in a bookstore and out of the corner of my eye I spotted a gray-haired man on the cover of a magazine, holding a small hammer. I grabbed the magazine, took a sip of my latte, and began flipping the pages. As someone who was already interested in woodworking, I’d heard of this man, James Krenov, and the small woodworking school that he started on the North Coast of California. I read Jim’s article, “Making Music with a Plane,” struggling to understand how a woodworking tool could “sing.” In the article that followed, David Welter explained in detail how to make those instruments. I’ll admit that…
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