Build a Shaker Lap Desk
Celebrate pen and ink with this quintessential case.
The classic Shaker lap desk, designed two centuries ago to function as a miniature traveling office, was the laptop of its time. With room for paper, envelopes, pens, and a small inkwell drawer, it speaks of an era when pen and ink were king. These desks continue to draw attention in the digital age for their precise joinery and elegant practicality, and of course you can still use one for writing while sitting in an easy chair. But the old design has kept pace with technology: Open the lid and remove the center divider and you’ll find space for your laptop; you can coil up power cords in the pencil till, and ear buds and thumb drives find a snug spot in the inkwell drawer.
Made in white pine like the original and sporting exposed dove-tails, breadboard ends with cherry pegs, and an unusual little drawer, this piece is…
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