The whole secret is absolute accuracy
Synopsis: In this excerpt from The Fine Art of Cabinetmaking, James Krenov says that when done right and used in a sensible relationship to the piece, to its character, and its aims, doweling is a very good way of putting cabinets and even chairs together. However, bad results can increase our doubts. Krenov issues a series of maxims and then defends or explains them, such as when it’s right not to use dowels, the importance of accuracy, drill selection, and the art of making jigs. He also discusses gluing and safety measures.
There is a lot of misunderstanding about doweling. While it is a widely used method in industry, rather little is known about it among craftsmen, at least in America; in Europe it is more commonly used. Because doweling is not visible as a joint, some craftsmen tend to be suspicious of it. When we use this technique…
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