Fire and Disposal Safety
To avoid finishing-related fires, follow these guidelines for the proper disposal of finishing wastes and materials.
Most finishing products contain materials that are flammable or hazardous to the environment. First and foremost, you should have at least one ABC-type fire extinguisher near your finishing area, which will handle the three common types of potential shop fires. These, of course, are mandatory in commercial shops. One of the most common dangers is spontaneous combustion caused by improper disposal of finish-soaked rags. More finishing-related fires have probably been caused by this than by any other reason. Dispose of used rags properly!
Take care to properly dispose of finishing wastes. Never pour them down the drain, even water-based products (which contain hazardous chemicals). Many municipalities have a paint and solvent recycling program, and welcome drop-offs of these materials. Commercial shops will have to pay for hazardous waste services and/or invest in a solvent-recovery system. Solvent-recovery systems are often a cost-effective option if you generate more than 5 gallons of…
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