How to make a rule joint
This joint links drop leaves to the tabletop and looks good with the leaves up or down.
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To cut the rule joint on this table’s top, which is 5⁄8 in. thick, I use a 1⁄2-in. cove bit combined with a 1⁄2-in. roundover. Before diving into the real thing, mill up a couple of test pieces 5⁄8 in. thick by 6 in. wide by 15 in. long. Believe me, you will recover this investment of time when making the actual joints. Using a routertable, run the roundover on one of the boards leaving a 1⁄8-in. fillet. On the other piece, still using a router table, run the cove bit. Sneak up on the fit until there is a gap the thickness of a piece of veneer between the profiles when they are butted together.
Installing hinges
Hardware is never the place to skimp on quality. I prefer Horton Brasses for my hinges (#510). The placement of the hinges is key. With the leaves dropped, the hinges should not be visible and…
Great demo, loved the music!
Steve, an excellent video on your proven approach to a rule joint!
I agree with "wpick" as that chamber music is a new wrinkle for me to try, quite relaxing and I hope it is on Pandora :)
awesome demo, to the point, music was great
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