#141–Mar/April 2000
Gluing and Clamping Strategies
Lots of tape, lots of cauls and lots of clamps make glue-ups easy
Turning a Parking Place into a Great Shop Space
Expansion and a thoughtful layout make an excellent professional workshop from a two-car garage
Graduated Drawers
A little arithmetic is all it takes to enliven the proportions and increase the utility of a case, a cabinet or a built-in
Think Finish First
Before you start your next furniture project, consider a finish's appearance, its method of application and its durability
Basswood, Linden or Lime
By any name, this wood, a carver's delight, proves that it's sometimes good to be weak and bland
Shop-Built Horizontal Mortiser
Using a router and two sliding tables, this homemade setup is a versatile joint-making machine
Dust Collection for the One-Man Shop
How to get the most performance for 1-hp to 2-hp dust collectors
Wood Moves
Warped lumber is less of a problem if you monitor moisture content and take steps to reduce variations in humidity
Selecting a Finish
Before you start your next furniture project, consider a finish's appearance, its method of application, and its durability.