#210–Jan/Feb 2010
Foolproof Recipes for 3 Favorite Finishes
Dyes and gel stains work better together.
Tenon Shootout
Tablesawn or hand-cut? Two experts go mano-a-mano to champion their favorite techniques
How to Cut Tenons by Hand
Cutting tenons by hand is quicker than you think
How to Cut Tenons on the Tablesaw with a Dado Set
Tenons in no time with a tablesaw and dado set
2 Fast Ways to Build a Decorative Mitered Box
Think out of the box to simplify a rabbeted lid.
Make Your Own Bandsaw Fence
Smooth-sliding fence lets you rip and resaw with precision.
A Better Way to Build Wall Cabinets
Sliding dovetails and an unorthodox face frame make the case stronger, better looking, and easier to build
Everyone Needs a Moisture Meter
New meters are precise and cheaper than ever, leaving you no excuse
Pin-type Moisture Meters for Under $200
A review of pin-type moisture meters
Curved Panels Made Easy
With a vacuum press and 7 tricks, beautiful panels are in the bag
Review: Brusso- Stainless-Steel Hardware
I've used solid-brass Brusso hardware on several boxes and furniture projects over the years and have found the quality to be top-notch. So I was pleased to hear that the…
How to Flatten and Smooth a Tabletop
Learn to cut a tabletop to size and smooth its surfaces and edges with hand tools.
Strong Joints for Thin Legs
Q: I’m planning to make a table with legs that are 1-1/4 in. square at the top, and aprons that are 4 in. tall. I’d like to use mortise-and-tenon joints…
Which Glues Work in Cold Temperatures?
Q: I need to glue up panels in an unheated shop. Are there glues that work on hardwood—in this case, cherry—in the 40° to 45ºF range? Art Utay, South Windsor,…
Best Finish for Bathroom Furniture
Q: I am making a cabinet for my bathroom. What’s the best finish to protect it against the rapid changes in heat and humidity that it will experience? Gill Mussleman,…
When is Veneer too Thick?
Q: I used 3/16-in.-thick resawn walnut, glued to plywood, to make a tabletop, but did not veneer the underside. I finished it with an oil/varnish mixture. The seams have opened…
How to Sharpen a Molding Plane
Hand tool expert's tips on putting a keen edge on these complex profiles.
Carve a Shell on a Cabriole Leg
Though it seems intimidating, carving is easier than you might think
Bleach Mahogany for a Unique Look
Rich red tones are the colors most associated with mahogany, but you can also achieve a light golden-amber color by bleaching and then dying the wood
Carvings Cap an Impressive Chest
An outstanding piece of furniture should be as inspiring in its details as in its overall form. The details that elevate Doug Mooberry’s mahogany chest of drawers are the starfish,…
James Krenov Influenced a Generation of Woodworkers
Since James Krenov died Sept. 9, comments have been pouring in to FineWoodworking.com. It is impossible to miss Krenov’s impact. His contributions came not only as a craftsman but also…
Interview with James Krenov
At the time of this interview, renowned furniture maker James Krenov was still working in his shop every day. Although his failing eyesight prevented him from building furniture, the 88-year-old woodworking…
How to Turn a Shaker Leg on a Lathe
Breeze through this elegant turning with guidance from a Shaker expert.
A Hinged Stop Block for the Tablesaw
For repetitive crosscuts on the tablesaw, nothing beats this simple solution made from shop scraps