Lumber Storage Solutions
Shopmade racks and carts keep material organized and accessible.
Synopsis: The centerpiece of Andy Beasley’s lumber storage system is a horizontal rack along one wall of his shop. Combined with shopmade carts and a storage rack for sheet goods, Beasley’s system allows him to store a lot of heavy material while taking up little space. Following the author’s step-by-step instructions, readers will be able to customize an efficient system that will help turn a chaotic shop into an efficient one.
I once read that the idea of infinite space was perhaps the most difficult concept for the mind of man to grasp. I beg to differ. Anyone who ever has tried to create a functional shop knows that fitting it into a finite space is a far more challenging proposition. Once all of the necessary tools, materials, and that last bottle of glue have been shoehorned into the workshop, you can find yourself on the outside…
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