Marriage of Metal and Wood
Woodworkers in search of a perfect union of materials for all types of furniture, from tables to desks and chairs.
Synopsis: Wood is a fascinating material to work with and, on its own merits, can challenge and inspire a craftsperson for an entire career. Some woodworkers, however, find wood even more compelling when paired with another material, such as metal. Pairing metal with wood offers a whole new range of design and construction possibilities. Here’s a look at a handful of the many makers who are finding success mating metal with wood. Featured are Michael Robbins, Greg Klassen, Stewart Wurtz, Robert and Tor Erickson, and Peter Harrison.
Wood is such a compelling material that it’s easy to spend a career building with nothing else. Its range of textures, tones, and aromas, its strength and warmth, its adaptability and flexibility—all these make it inexhaustibly interesting to use and explore.
But for some dyed-in-the-wool woodworkers, the enjoyment and challenge of using wood is deepened by pairing it with other…
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