One Routing Template For a Perfect Fielded Panel
One routing template is all you need to make this fielded panel with veneer and stringing
Synopsis: The fielded panel, so characteristic of Federal design, has been part of the craftsman’s repertoire for centuries. Steve Latta adds a modern twist to his period-style designs, though. He cuts the veneers using a Dremel tool, equipped with micro end mills, and an MDF template.
A notable characteristic of Federal furniture is large flat or serpentine surfaces that, left unadorned, can look more than a little boring. Period makers often turned these barren surfaces into fielded panels made with veneer, evoking their frame-and-panel predecessors and bringing vitality and depth to a piece. But while this centuries-old technique is steeped in history, my approach has a modern twist: Instead of cutting the veneers with a fretsaw, I use micro end mills chucked in a Dremel tool to cleanly and precisely rout around an MDF template.
The design of this fielded panel combines cyma curves, straight shots, and circular corners.…
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