Seeing Better in the Shop
Lighting and magnification bring work into bright, sharp focus
Synopsis: In the shop, it might take more than eyeglasses to get everything in focus. Woodworking poses visual challenges; here is a presentation of products that will help bring your work into sharp view, even for those with good vision to start with. From task lighting to various magnifiers and lenses, Jeff Miller eases the strain.
From Fine Woodworking #168
It’s nearly as inevitable as death and taxes. As we get older, we begin finding it a little harder to see some of the small things that are so crucial to woodworking. Whether it’s 1⁄32-in. graduations on a ruler or scribed lines on a mortise-and-tenon, our eyes are less able to focus sharply on close work as we age. And that can be a problem because accurate work requires visual acuity.
One of the biggest hurdles for most people is to admit that the problem exists. But denial, effective…
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