Setting a Handplane Blade
How to set up your plane perfectly to get thin shavings and smooth surfaces.
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Philip C. Lowe
Beverly, Mass.
When it comes to being successful with handplanes, sharpness and setup are critical. In this video Philip C. Lowe, the founder of the Furniture Institute of Massachusetts, demonstrates how to set your handplane blade to achieve a perfectly smooth surface. This video is part of a series with Lowe in which he answers questions from readers and members about choosing, sharpening, and using handplanes.
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Philip C. Lowe was a long-time woodworker, who got his first taste of of the craft while serving in the Navy. He went on to become one of the most respected and well-known instructors in the country and operated his own school, the Furniture Institute of Massachusetts. Lowe passed away in January 2021. FWW published a tribute to him in issue #288 (April 2021). He made this video workshop in 2012.
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