Traditional Upholstery Method
Time-tested tools and materials still give the best results, and anyone can do it.
Synopsis: You can make an upholstered seat using traditional materials in a time-tested way. Basic upholstery tools cost around $60, the materials can be bought online, and the techniques are easily learned. The result will look and feel authentic and will last a lifetime.
Many woodworkers hesitate to build a chair, particularly a period version, because of the upholstered seat. They think the options are either shopmade with foam rubber, which won’t look correct, or an expensive professional job. But you can do the job yourself using traditional materials in a time-tested way. Basic upholstery tools cost around $60, the
materials can be bought online, and the techniques are easily learned. The result will look and feel authentic and last a lifetime.
The frame is the foundation
The seat frame anchors all the upholstery. while it can be constructed from any medium-density hardwood, ash works best because it is…
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