Turn a Bowl
Make a functional and beautiful bowl from a chunk of green wood
Synopsis: A green-wood bowl is fun to turn and—except for the lathe—doesn’t require a big investment in tools. Mike Mahoney has turned a lot of bowls in his career and he delivers the step-by-step instructions needed for roughing out the bowl, letting the green wood dry, turning the dry bowl to its final shape, and adding a finish.
Wooden bowls no doubt have a utilitarian appeal. Truly organic, they’re a natural for holding fruit and mixing dough but work just as well for a cereal-and-milk breakfast or a popcorn snack. Wooden bowls also can be beautiful, the highlight of any kitchen. Perhaps it’s this potential for attractive, organic utility that makes them so popular.
Bowls are also fun to turn and don’t require a lot of tools. All you really need—in addition to the lathe—are a bowl gouge, a spindle gouge, and a round-nose scraper.…
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