Beyond the Basic Scraper
For a flat, flawless surface on tricky woods, reach for a cabinet scraper or a scraper plane.
Synopsis: The card scraper is known to many woodworkers as the tool of choice for tackling tricky grain and tough woods. But it’s not the whole story. Often, especially on large, flat surfaces, the job can be done easier, faster, and better using the lesser-known cabinet scraper or the scraper plane. Hand-tool expert Chris Gochnour uses all three types in his shop. In this article, he explains what each tool does, what it costs, and how to use it. He also details the best angles for sharpening scraper blades, how to prepare and use a cabinet scraper; how to prepare and use a scraper plane, and when to plane and when to scrape. Armed with this information, you can decide whether to add one or more of these tools to your workbench.
When bench planes begin to tear out tricky grain or balk at tough woods, many woodworkers reach…
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No vid's on the cabinet and scraper plane, why?
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