Build a Shaker Round Stand
Classic lines blend a simple turning and straightforward joinery on this round table.
Synopsis: The measured drawing that Christian H. Becksvoort includes in this piece on a Shaker round table is by no means definitive, but it’s exceedingly close; he’s built more than 70 like it, refining as he goes. He explains here how to turn and dovetail the post, make the legs, and complete the top and cross brace. Side information includes details on how to use a router to make sliding dovetails.
Having built almost 70 round stands, I still continue to revise and refine the shape and dimensions in an effort to achieve the perfect shape. The Shakers built a variety of round stands. They were conveniently placed near reading chairs, desks, worktables, benches and beds because the Shakers did all after-dark work by candlelight. That’s why round stands are often called candle stands. Although crude at first, the designs became more refined and delicate during the early 19th…
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